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Showing posts from March, 2024

Making of a successful teacher

This is great question to ask if one is entering the profession of education. I would place the most successful element of a teacher is their belief about themselves as a learner. One who learns and understands why and how one learns has the true element of a successful teacher. This passion for learning and wanting to help others is motivated by the right mindset  that establishes the necessary foundation of a successful teacher. A successful teacher is one who will always want to improve, share, learn and grow because these are natural responsibilities of great teachers. Some characteristics of great teachers Set high expectations for all students Have clear, written-out objectives Prepared and organized Engage students and get them to look at issues in a variety of ways Have  strong relationships with their students and show that they care about them as people Exhibit expertise in the subjects they are teaching and spend time continuing to gain new knowledge in their field ...